For generations many wise men and spiritual healers believed, human beings are a combination of light and energy. Our remarkable nature is dependent upon the interplay of precise timings and chemical balance that keep us strong and adaptive to change. Slight variations within these body systems result in energy deficits, pain, sickness and can lead to death.
Our bodies are designed to create an abundance of energy needed for our survival and procreation. But, when we are sick and overcome by weakness our natural defenses are diverted to deal with those problems.. Leaving us more vulnerable. There is a constant internal struggle going on at the cellular level minute by minute to keep us safe and healthy. Both in our bodies and our brain.
Western medicine uses drugs as it’s means to arrest a particular problem and pinpoint the system responsible. Bombarding it with a “chemical dump” designed to create a desired effect. The problem can be complicated by side effects and a lifelong dependency combined with limited effectiveness. That along with the fact that most mental health drugs haven’t really changed in thirty years or so can lead one to feel hopeless.
But times have changed and people are becoming much more aware of solid alternative choices that are available to them. Many of these therapeutic modalities have been in existence for decades. Marking their successes through clinical data gathered by dedicated doctors, therapists, clinicians and health professionals from all over the world.
In the recent years, there has been a growing trend towards energy medicine and light wave healing. It’s many benefits include a safe non-invasive, drug free, cost friendly approach that better suits our human nature. In that it works WITH our body, using our own bio-energy to help make the corrections for long term results.
One such therapy is the LENS neurofeedback. Since 1990 this new brainwave therapy (developed by Len Ochs, clinical phycologist) came on to the scene and dramatically changed how things were done. It involved a computer and an EEG amplifier that centered on following the poor brain wave states that had frequency dysregulation and stimulated them using a weak radio wave micro current into rebooting the surrounding neural circuitry. This was a far departure from all other neurofeedback therapy. Where they bring your brain back to harmony by teaching it to work properly. LENS neurofeedback soon became the gold standard for mental illness. It offered a faster approach to traditional neurofeedback and a much needed alternative to medicines for treating anxiety, ADD, depression, Autism, TBI and PTSD.
Another such therapy is low level light therapy. It has been around since the 1960’s. It is sometimes called Photonic Stimulation. It is an FDA approved hand held device that is used to accelerate healing of tissues in old injuries, nerve damage, neuropathy, plantar fasciitis, post operative care, joint health, reduce inflammation and promote tissue regeneration. It has been used extensively by olympic athletes from across the globe.
It uses an infrared light source that stimulates the mitochondria within cells. The light source has the ability to excite the electrons and reach nerve endings and endothelial linings of the capillaries. It also works well with LENS neurofeedback. Both of these therapies have been gaining traction within the alternative medical field… and for good reason.
Just like in life, marriage and getting that raise… timing is everything.
With the world seeming to be spinning out of control with the Covid virus and the anxiety, depression and suicide that come along with these lengthy lockdowns.
LENS neurofeedback and photonic stimulation has been shown to be helpful for stressful conditions especially when added to other good habits, like emotional support from family and friends, exercise, proper nutrition, music, essential oils, owning a pet, meditation and prayer that centers on trust and gratitude.
We can gain control of our lives by staying vigilant and researching new breakthroughs in healthcare. Every few years there seems to be some other new energy technology tapping into what we already know. That the body has the ability to heal itself. Very soon these therapies will no longer be on the fringe of western medicine. They will lead the way into bringing real change for the future generations. Taking there rightful place in the world of healthcare.
Jon Stuart Haupers CLP, founder of NeuroBalance