Importance of Brain Foods For Autism

Autism is a complex neurobiological disorder that affects approximately 2.5% of the children in the US. It is characterized by speech and social interaction difficulties, mood fluctuations, repetitive or ritualistic behaviors , social anxiety, inappropriate visual and sensory misperceptions and obsessive/ compulsive behaviors.

There seems to be no single cause for autism yet genetic and environmental factors are implicated.

We do know that autism affects the parietal lobe ( sensory integration perception) and it’s ability to communicate with the prefrontal cortex lobe (thinking , learning, emotional) part of the brain.


Based upon reports from many parents of autistic children. It appears that many of these children have received repeated or prolonged rounds of antibiotics during their first year . Mostly as a result of respiratory or ear infections. It just so happens that these broad spectrum antibiotics have a habit of killing off the good gut bacteria that helps support proper digestion. This probably explains why so many autistic children suffer from bowel irregularities.

It is a really good idea to speak with your doctor and look into restoring good gut health with probiotic supplementation for your child. A balanced gut flora with all the right strains of bacteria will surely help combat the negative effects that autism has on the brain.

Digestive enzymes will provide added assistance to completely break down food making it easier for absorption and help relieve the digestive tract. Glutamine an important amino acid that has a healing effect in the digestive tract. But because many autistic children have protein synthesis and absorption issues that lead to ammonia production. Glutamine will be difficult for them to digest and assimilate.

The bottom line is that good gut health is vital for autistic children.

Omega 3 Fats

People with autism shown signs of deficiencies in essential fats. Based upon research done by Dr. Gordon Bell at Stirling University. Autistic children have a defect in an enzyme that helps remove essential fats from the brain more quickly. This means that autistic children need to ingest more of these fats to ensure greater or sufficient amounts of intake of these critical fats than the normal population. Supplementing EPA, which slows down the defective enzyme, can lead to improved mood, focus, speech, sleep and behaviors in clinical trials.

Try eating fish like, salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout twice a week. Supplement omega 3 fish oils. Look for supplements that have DHA, GLA and EPA. Also, add more flax seeds and pumpkin seeds to your diet which will help convert the omega 3 from the seeds into EPA.

Balance Blood Sugar

Many autistic children also show signs of ADHD and hyperactivity. It is for this reason that its a good idea to cut down their sugar intake. Sugar plays an important role in sending a child’s brain into a racing inattentive tail spin. By balancing their glucose intake and changing the form of sugar they are eating will better balance their bodies ability to absorb it more slowly. This translates into snacking on foods that will have more gradual elevations of blood glucose levels. Removing the juices, sweets, chocolates, refined carbs with no fiber to slow down the absorption that is typical in a young persons diet.

Vitamins and Minerals

The benefits to a nutritional approach to addressing the issues associated with autism has been revealed since the 1970’s. In part because of the research done in 1978 by Dr. Bernard Rimland of the Institute for Child Behavior Research in San Diego, California. It concluded that vitamin B6, C, and magnesium supplements were shown to significantly improve symptoms in autistic children.

B6 may in particular be of more importance because children with autism or learning difficulties also show evidence of pyroluria, a genetic condition that causes the excretion of compounds known as kryptopyrroles through urine, causing B6 and zinc deficiency. So taking a simple urine test can determine appropriate levels.

Pediatrician Mary Megson in Richmond , Virginia believes many autistic children are lacking in vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for gut and brain health along with vision. It is best consumed in organ meats, milk fats, fish and cod liver oil. All of which are not readily consumed in a typical child’s diet. Most of the vitamin A they normally eat is fortified containing altered forms of the vitamin and thus less absorbed.

Her thinking was that this modified A vitamin was affecting both brain and visual development. Brain and vision differences have been previously detected in autistic children. The visual deficits were surmised because lack of vitamin A meant , poorer black and white vision. Or, less likely to see shadows with less ability to see three-dimensionally. Which could explain why autistic children tend to not look at you directly and sideways. Could it be there is an inability to see a persons expressions well? Making them more socially awkward?

A diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and nutrient dense foods. While avoiding all forms of processed foods is an excellent starting point for a child with autism.

Food Allergies

Poor food choices and chemicals that enter the brain through the bloodstream due to malabsorption is one of the leading contributing factors in autism. Many parents of autistic children will notice significant improvements in their child’s behavior after changing their diets.

Some of the strongest evidence making this connection pertains to wheat and dairy. It appears that the gluten and casein proteins are very difficult to digest, which often result in an allergy in early age kids. The peptides or protein fragments , copy the body’s natural opioids and disable the mechanisms that normally would break down these compounds.

An increase activation of opioids lead to the most common symptoms associated with autism. Research from Autism Research Unit at Sunderland University showed an increase amounts of these peptides in urine and blood samples of autistic children.

Poor digestion of proteins, lack of sufficient vitamin B6 and zinc look to be main contributors.

Slow removal of milk protein (casein) and gluten protein ( wheat, rye, barley) found a significant reduction from symptoms. But, going slowly after removing dairy and wait three weeks to remove the gluten. In case of a food withdrawal. Then go down the usual list of food allergy culprits to find where the problems arise.

It may be helpful to keep a diary to note the progress and changes in mood and behavior. This method will identify what foods are the most problematic. Typically, citrus, eggs, corn, chocolate, tomatoes, and artificial colorings and flavors. But working with a good nutritional therapist, function doctor or under medical supervision will make it easier.

Final Thoughts

There is so much more we can do to support proactive health practices like neurofeedback, that will add to getting even better mental health outcomes for people with autism. One of the most basic is learning what the role of diet has on our behaviors. By looking deeper into what the science says in how the chemical breakdown of the foods we eat change the way our tissues use and convert them into energy. Taking a more simplistic approach to health, both mental and physical, has to start with what we eat. Because most of what we suffer from comes from poor gut health. This can be a long investigative yet rewarding journey that will ultimately activate the bodies own natural defensive system by communicating in a way that the body finally understands. The answers we seek to our mental health all begin with the most common sense practices we all take part in. Good clean nutritious food.

– A balanced brain is a well-fed brain-