Peak Brain / Mental Performance
The fundamental goal of neurofeedback is to help the brain to find or re-establish its best operating state with the use of a computer and an EEG device used to measure and record the bioelectrical data at specific site locations. The information gathered is adjusted in an instant and administered back into the pathological neural pathways to help the brain correct itself. The results can be very beneficial to a variety of mental health concerns. That is why NeuroBalance does not treat any diagnosed condition. The body and brain do the work.
So, in essence neurofeedback is centered around the idea of peak performance neurofeedback and what that looks like for those with anxiety, ADD, PTSD, TBI or brain injury, depression, concentration, mood dysregulation, insomnia and other maladaptive central nervous system conditions.
Neurofeedback is being used regularly by sports teams, athletes, musicians, military personnel, business owners and other health professionals all over the world as a non-invasive, drug-free way to support optimal performance.
There are a number of small studies throughout the years that support the claims of the neurofeedback community of its efficacy for the enhancement of performance in three main areas: sports, cognition and artistic. But more large scale critical scientific validation would be vital to the cause of making it more of a mainstream protocol within the medical establishment. But for those of us who know and have been involved with neurofeedback have witnessed its far-reaching benefits, remain neurofeedback’s best advocates.
In fact, some of my very first clients were musicians and athletes who all reported improvements in their enhancing focus and clarity while they were performing. Neurofeedback therapy (NFT) seems to strengthen the mental state which translates into improved performance scores. Sometimes simply by reducing the anxiety component that comes with high-level performance.
NFT has been shown to improve Intellectual quotient (IQ).
Three different studies support the claim of increased IQ scores by an average of 9-12 points following 30 sessions of conventional neurofeedback and performance optimization therapy. The results are dependent on the neural networks that are targeted and what you want to improve.
NFT can improve information processing speed when it is included along with proper amounts of rest, diet and exercise.
The success rate of NFT in many conditions as reported by clinicians in published scientific research show about a 75-80% average.
Neurofeedback and ADHD
Long term effects of NFT on children with ADHD when compared to those on medication have seen results that last for up to 12 months, sometimes longer.
Neurofeedback is particularly effective in reducing inattention and hyperactivity in children with ADHD. But, many scientists have not been in agreement as to the long lasting results when compared to taking medication.
In a recent study, researchers compiled data from more than 500 children with ADHD and compared results of neurofeedback, medication and those on no treatment. The aim was to be as critical as to the effectiveness of the claims about neurofeedback, so they included those with different views to be part of the study.
They determined that certain forms of neurofeedback and training for peak mental performance had more positive sustainable effects which were still observable after 6 months of treatment. They went on to include that the findings had a tendency to improve over time with those who were treated with neurofeedback as compared to those children taking medication after the 6 month follow up.
A key research team member of the study, Dr. Martijn Arns, from Research Institute Brainclinics in The Netherlands commented about the viability of neurofeedback as an effective approach for the treatment of ADHD in children.
“ This meta-analysis shows that after an average of 6 months follow-up neurofeedback has a similar efficacy compared to active treatments including medication, opening the option to use medication more for short term symptom relief, and using neurofeedback to achieve more longer-term benefit in ADHD, with the added benefit of there being almost no side-effects.”
“Historically, neurofeedback hasn’t been widely known or understood in the medical community as there has been mixed scientific research and reviews. It’s great to see such solid evidence for neurofeedback in ADHD and it mirrors the outcomes we see for our patients who choose neurofeedback as an alternative to medication. It’s about making sure you have the right technologies, training and assessment tools to do it properly but also the educating healthcare professionals and the wider community that the evidence is there.”
Neurofeedback for Peak Performance
LENS represents a totally new and unique approach within the world of neurofeedback. LENS applies the idea of the homeostasis equation into healing the mind and body. Homeostasis relies on the body itself to know what is wrong, where the problem is and what it needs to do to remedy the situation. LENS disrupts the pathological neural pathways and challenges the brain to reset or reboot itself back to health. The LENS method looks to the natural intelligence of the brain and body to come up with the answer. Knowing we as human beings at our most primal level are all hard-wired to survive and procreate.
LENS views a mental health problem of poor performance as being stuck in a maladaptive defensive looping mechanism that was brought on by exterior stressors and trauma. The answer lies in a technology which assists the body to make the corrections it needs by looking at the symptoms someone is experiencing as the body’s way of telling us there is a problem.
I always tell my clients that all neurofeedback isn’t created equal. All other neurofeedback is a form of operant conditioning, a reward-based method that concentrates its efforts into training, using the learning centers of the brain to assist other areas that are not performing well. The same way we teach our pets to sit or obey a command.
Conventional neurofeedback systems use visual, audio stimulation to assist and reinforce the changes through a series of many sessions that activate the same brain site locations over and over again using sensors applied to the scalp.
LENS is a streamlined approach that doesn’t require any visual or auditory stimulation to assist the patient in the changes being made. LENS goes directly to the affected areas and gently disrupts them out of their frozen, stuck or maladaptive state and “reboots” them into a more favorable healthy frequency range which the brain does by itself. The result is that the brainwaves become “unstuck” and more flexible. This change can affect the behavior or symptom it supports.
LENS is also very adaptable in where it can be used on the head and body. So, LENS is designed to be a more comprehensive approach to improve performance by fully integrating communication throughout the brain and body. Unlike the other neurofeedback systems, LENS offers the ability of addressing trauma and stress in the brain, nervous, and skeletal-muscular systems. Which all play a vital role in contributing to peak performance.
In many ways, LENS represents the best neurofeedback can offer for peak brain performance. Without treating anything!
*Disclaimer: NeuroBalance specializes exclusively in the use of LENS technology. LENS neurofeedback is a therapeutic modality only. It is NOT intended to be used to diagnose, treat or cure any specific disease or condition. LENS offers a safe, non-medicinal alternative approach for healing to occur. NeuroBalance assists the body to naturally manage the symptoms associated with many chronic conditions.